Tuesday, February 15, 2011

They Ought to be in Pictures

Well, for the legions of folks NOT reading this blog (actually, I think of this as simply a journal to keep track of my tanks, so do not feel bad for being one of the millions of people not reading it) I will post pictures of my tanks as they are currently.

10-gallon: Figure-8 puffer, "Otis"

45-gallon: 2 P. leopoldi, 6 Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi (black neons). Will likely add more neons and also some rummynose if I can find some nice ones. Considering Corydoras sp. Will be adding domestic silver angel from 40-gallon that gazes longingly into their tank almost constantly.

40-gallon: One P. scalare (domestic silver, bred by me), Hyphessobrycon amandae (ember tetras) and Het rasboras (not sure exactly which species). Soon to add 6 juvenile Apistogramma cacatuoides, when the lone silver angel will go next door to be with his mates in the 45.

As you can see, the angel is always found on the far left side of the tank looking over.

37-gallon: Neolamprologus leleupi, young colony (I hope). This is the feisty bunch that I suspect were the downfall of my Moba frontosa fry in the 150, but who knows about that. They need to be by themselves, unless you have a large enough tank and appropriate feisty species that can put up with them. They are pretty in this white tank, at any rate. If they spawn for me I MIGHT forgive them.

The adorable kitchen goldfish tank. This tank now sports two silicone "jellyfish" that are tethered to an invisible length of fishing line buried in the substrate, and they float in the water. Goofy, but I like them!

150-gallon: 6 Cyphotilapia gibberosa (Kapampa), 9 Altolamprologus sp. (gold head compressiceps, mystery compressiceps, black calvus, inkfin calvus).