For Christmas we really had no practical place to put a Christmas tree, since any unused space is going to get a tank, right? Well, that's not a huge issue but I started to think about rearranging the furniture, and taking down the 45-gallon planted tank was really key in a more functional flow of household traffic, and a better utilization of space.
I have a friend who was looking for a tank makeover ("Make my tank look like your tanks!") and the timing was right, so I moved the fish, 3 pearl gouramis, a pair of Bolivian rams, 5 Bentosi tetras, a single surviving cardinal from a batch that I lost right after purchase, and a small female bristlenose pleco. The rams, gouramis and 2 of the tetras went into the 150, where I already have rams and more of these tetras (3 of the tetras went to my sister's tank) and the BN went into the 125 where its attention was sorely needed. I used the majority of the wood, rocks and plants in my friend's tank, which was close in size to this one, and took it down. I took everything outside, since with temps in the 60's you'd never know it was January, and hosed everything out, and sun-dried it; sand, filter media, filters, hoses, tank and all.
As an aside: I don't recommend putting these shy gouramis in a bustling, busy tank like the 150. The 125 is a better choice, especially since I'm converting that tank over to an Asian "biotope" (ha), but that tank has a lot of strife right now with 2 breeding angel pairs, and much less hiding spots for top dwellers. The 150 has quite a bit of wood and rock structures that go all the way to the top, where gouramis like to hang out, so they have shelter there until I move them to the 125 later. Fortunately, they do come out to eat in the 150, and I target feed them where they hide so they're getting what they need. This is not a good long-term solution, though.
My attic eaves have times when they are empty, and times when they are full, and right now they're full! I have a 37-gal, a 40-gal breeder, and now the 45-gal in dry storage currently. I also have an assortment of small tanks, 2-15 gallons waiting for their next use.
I used to think I would sell tanks when I took them down, but now I don't consider it. There have been so many times when I was glad to have these tanks and stands ready and waiting. My husband has already found a temporary use for the 40-gal breeder. He asked me to go "bin shopping" with him one day. I asked him what kind of bin he was looking for, and he described a large tub that would hold two 5-gallon water jugs submerged in water for a project he was working on. He was thinking Rubbermaid, but commented that the sides would likely bow out filled with water. I suggested a glass box designed to hold water, and, lo and behold, a 40-gal breeder fits two 5-gallon water jugs perfectly! Now our hobbies are coming together, finally!
All of the fish are doing great in their new homes. Here's a couple of videos, one of the 150 and one of the 125 as they are currently.