Monday, October 3, 2011

Snails and Puppy Dog Tales

Here's an awesome Pomacea diffusa/bridgesii snail that I received in a shipment of ramshorn snails. He's growing alarmingly fast! The large ramshorn at the bottom is at least the size of a US nickel, for perspective. The kids named him Giga.

This is a snail tank where I cultivate food for my F8 puffer, Otis. It is working out great! They are filthy little critters, though, and the tank needs much more attention than my others. A 50% water change weekly is not enough! Otis is a happy fellow, though, and I don't have to dig through my planted tank trying to find a hidden snail to feed him.

I hosted our local aquarium club meeting yesterday, and we had a good turnout. We are just getting started with the Central Virginia Aquarium Society, and building membership while working out a routine for our meetings and auctions. This was mainly a social gathering, with burgers on the grill and a little bit of swapping of items, including fish. I met new people and saw old friends after a summer break from our meeting schedule. We did not really handle any business and due to the absence of some board members we didn't really settle on a meeting date for the next one, but we all agreed we'd likely wait until January. Typically we try to meet every other month, but December is not good for most of us.

I was kidding about the puppydog tales. I thought I'd have a cute story about one of the dogs, but I don't.....    Here's Sirius. He's awesome too.

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