Monday, February 6, 2012

Website and Logo!

We have a logo! This is somewhat temporary until I get the details straight, but I'm working on turning the squiggly lines in the middle of the fish into the letters CVAS. I am getting very close to something I'm happy with, since the letters lend themselves to a somewhat zig-zag configuration. 

Otherwise, everyone seems to like this logo, so we are using it for the time being on our new forum website! Go to and you'll see that we've set up shop and are working on getting our Richmond and Tidewater membership registered so we can communicate easier.

This is a separate entity than our club website, which is not a forum but a regular site, and we've had some delays setting up the pages. It may be that a forum is going to serve our needs better, but we'll have to decide what to do about that. Everyone has been very supportive and excited about getting the club and the site up and running, and we've made a lot of progress.

Brian (Flippercon from the Tidewater chapter) and Ben have really taken initiative and gotten things done, and this would not be happening without their hard work, so I'm very grateful to them both, along with our other board members who have contributed.

Now, as to the logo, I'm figuring out how to work with nodes and other shaping tools to configure text into the shape I need. This is proving to be a frustration, since I've never used this type of program before but by accident I'm slowly learning what it does! I am arrogant enough and pigheaded enough that I think I can figure it out myself, but we'll see - I'm pretty close to turning it over to someone who knows what their doing! It remains difficult to admit defeat, but this is a character flaw that sometimes results in unexpected joy, so stay tuned.

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