Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Additions, Plus Otis

Deborah and I took a road trip to Lynchburg to visit Pet and Aquatic Warehouse (P.A.W. for short), where they have an amazing selection of aquarium fish and supplies. It really is worth the drive out there to visit the store.

I wanted a tetra for the 150 to go with the geophagus, and they had some tetras that caught my eye, what they were calling "peppermint tetra." They are not always good about getting scientific names there, and the manager said he was not given the scientific name, but that they are relatively new to the hobby. I really liked them, being somewhat similar to the bleeding heart tetra. The lemon tetra is a species that is commonly found in the waters with my geos as well as with angels, but I'm just not all that fond of them currently, and these Hyphessobrycon sp. really appealed to me, with a pinkish body, red fins with white tips. The males were displaying very nice flag-like dorsals, so I purchased all they had, which was 8. The video above shows them off, but the geophagus are such attention hounds that I could hardly get a view of the new tetras! I'm on a hunt for more, and Rama at skoolzoffish.com is looking for them, in addition to the wild angels he's going to get for me. 

I also managed to get a nice picture of Otis the F8 puffer, which is no easy task, as I've been trying for 4 years to do it! 

As you can see, Otis has a ton of room in his 20 long, and he's fat and happy.

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