Thursday, July 16, 2009

Angels and Puffers

The angelfish fry are still doing okay. I am feeding BBS and Hikari "First Bites" still, and this seems to be serving them well. This is the fifth day of free swimmers.

Frank & Agnes still defend their babies and hopefully things will continue to go well for the pair.

Next, meet Otis, the figure-8 puffer:


  1. I found your blog while googling brackish water puffers, very fun to read! I just set up a 20 gallon brackish water tank with two figure 8's and two leopard puffers. I tried to give them lots of places to hide in case one got too aggressive. So far, so good, hopefully it will last. We fixed crab legs for the holidays and I have been feeding them leftovers after we humans have picked the legs 'clean'.

  2. Thank you for your comment, and I'm glad you found my blog!

    A couple of comments on your setup - be sure and watch the group closely as figure-8's are generally best kept as loners, but it will depend on the individuals you have.

    Also, the puffers will definitely enjoy the crab but they would prefer it raw. Mine is eating tiny cocktail shrimp, thawed from frozen, and one is enough to fill him up for sure, so my supply is going to last me a good long while.

    Enjoy your puffers!
